Help us help a child realize his or her potential- join the Village image

Help us help a child realize his or her potential- join the Village

Join us in defending the potential of a young person in our community. Let's ignite the power and promise as they learn skills and set goals to become their best selves.

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What made me become a Big Brother!

Michael Williams said he was once asked the question, what made you want to be a Big Brother? He had several reasons for answering the call to become a mentor. The first he said, was that God instilled in him a need to be of service. The second, to be the mentor to a young man lacking the influence of a male role model. He said the people that influenced him helped him navigate life’s pitfalls, encourage positive choices and taught him that to prepare to face the consequences if he chose to make poor choices, and to enjoy the rewards for good choices.

Michael has gained a lot of experience as a volunteer on many projects prior to Big Brothers Big Sisters. He saw and heard an advertisement for Big Brothers Big Sisters during a time the community cried out to the individuals to help improve the conditions for our youth, especially our young boys. Michael feels Big Brothers Big Sisters is the best fit for his community engagement need. He enjoys spending time with his two Little Brothers and allots most of his time to doing great activities and unselfishly passing on many of the life lessons shared with him as a young man. He said, "paying it forward is very important to me." For this reason, Michael was chosen to be the Big Brothers of the Year for 2019.